"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."

"Don't think, feel....it is like a finger pointing towards the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory!" -Bruce Lee

Sunday, May 21, 2006

And next week's forecast is: rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain...

I swear it has not stopped raining for about 3 weeks now...how can they still be saying there's a drought in the south-east?! I don't get it! Try and catch some of the water as it falls from the sky, don't let it all run away!


bigbluemeanie said...

Yeah, if this drought gets any worse we are going to need lifeboats!

Unknown said...

Hehehe... ;) Seriously, over the weekend my water barrel in the garden was overflowing and during the course of the day I filled up an entire bucket *and* the 8 gallon watering can! This is in a *single* day!

Unknown said...

(btw, this is seriously making Flyingpops and I reconsider going to Laughton this weekend)...

bigbluemeanie said...

I have been searching for a water butt, but they seem to be more difficult to find right now than a Catholic nun inside a Da Vinci Code fans convention.

In the meantime the trampoline in the back garden is working pretty well as a raincatcher.

kipperfrog said...

Lol, have a look here for a water butt:

Looks like Thames Water is selling them cheap! Bet they're doing quite good business!

Or Southern Water here:

Man, Laughton this weekend? You could get very soggy!