"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."

"Don't think, feel....it is like a finger pointing towards the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory!" -Bruce Lee

Friday, March 05, 2010

Skywatch Friday: Blue and Springy!

Originally uploaded by kipperfrog
I went for a bit of a lunchtime wander today to get my Skywatch Friday photo, it's so nice when it's not raining, I do really start to appreciate where I work! First of all I went over to eat my lunch in the sports field looking out over Box Hill, then I headed over to Denbies Vineyard and then along the road towards Westhumble. Here's one of the houses I passed - very pretty! They must have such great views - Box Hill in the back garden, and England's largest vineyard in the front! Oz Clarke would approve..

As I was walking along that way, I thought I'd pop in and take a look at the stepping stones that cross the River Mole at the foot of Box Hill..

Originally uploaded by kipperfrog

Eek.. tree down!! It looked pretty much impassable what with the hulking great tree that's fallen down across the path of stones, paired with the crazily high water level! I guess it's all that rain we had last week! It's strange to see it so uncrowded, normally there are at least 5 dogs swimming around in there having fun, and people jumping all over those stones! I wonder how long before the National Trust go and fish it out..

Still no photo of that archway at the climbing wall I'm afraid - we went there the other day and it was really bizarre, they'd taken down all of the hand grips and were painting half of the wall in preparation for a bouldering competition. I assume they'll be putting the grips back before then?! I guess it could make it a bit more challenging if they didn't! The bad news was, they were revamping all the easy routes up the wall, so we got lumped with all the difficult ones. Amazingly we both actually managed to get to the top of our very first 5+ grade route though (classified as 'hard very severe' -hehe, I love that over the top description), with an overhang and everything! Wow.. I don't think that'll be happening again soon!

1 comment:

Hilda said...

Love that you captured a bird along with the pretty house! Sounds like you had a very nice and relaxing walk. Have a happy weekend!