"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."

"Don't think, feel....it is like a finger pointing towards the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory!" -Bruce Lee

Monday, November 20, 2006

J H Lorimers, Oxted, new toy shop!

Ooh, I just got a comment on my post about J H Lorimers in Oxted, and their lack of toys. I have it on good authority, from a Lorimers employee, that they are going to be taking over the old travel agents shop next door, and turning that into their toy section! Good news! =)

Hmm.. well just as I was writing that, my bowl of cornflakes decided to throw itself off my settee arm, and into my camera case, over all my memory cards.. yuck! I think I should avoid electronic goods for the time being.. my phone is still sitting in the airing cupboard from when I somehow dropped it in my drink of water last week. These things always seem to come in 3s, I just dread to think what the next will be.. maybe killing my laptop charger counts..


bigbluemeanie said...

Good news indeed.

Incidentally, I was in Sainsbury's the other day and the staff working there all looked familiar. Bluemeanie was there and told me she thinks it was because they all worked for Lorimers. I went back another time and there was a new bunch working there.

Careful with your existing toys - the new toyshop hasn't opened yet... ;-)

Unknown said...

Heheh!! Most amusing BB... :)